With the world championship coming up, our awesome friends at Spartan Race are giving away a kick ass vacation, a free race code, and a discount code for all the races. You can sign up for the cruise here: http://bit.ly/spartancruisegiveaway – This contest includes, a trip for 2 including airfare and a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas with a Spartan Sprint on a private island. This cruise is out of Miami (US residents only).
Can’t get enough Spartan Races? NBC Sports has partnered with Spartan Race to film 6 episodes of Spartan Races culminating with the World Championship race at Killington VT this Sept 20th 3 P.M. EST on NBC. Check out this link for the full schedule.
On this blog, I will be doing a giveaway for a free race code. The code will work one time for any open heat (non-confirmed start time) in any 2014 Spartan Race in the continental US. Plus, just for reading to the end of this post, you get a free code that will give you 10% off of any race: SPARTANBLOGGER
Awesome right?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I’m really excited to offer you guys my first giveaway. Juice It Up has given me $20 in gift cards, which I will be giving to one lucky follower. Although I love juices, I still haven’t splurged on a juicer. I have a great Vitamix for smoothies that I use regularly, but I prefer the convenience of ordering a juice every now and then. I try to make sure they are low in sugar and in fruit to get the most nutritional and health benefits. Don’t be afraid to ask them for exactly what you want. I’ve customized many juices and smoothies, even when they’re not advertised as such. Everyone has different health needs and it’s important that you stand up for them. Not that you will need to at Juice It Up, they’ve got some awesome green and vegetable juice blends including the Immunizer and the Healthy Heart.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A Health and Wellness Blog