- The format hasn’t become overly complicated or changed too much. I remember the old facebook days, and dislike every new change. I haven’t been on Twitter that long, to have that kind of wistful hindsight, but it seems like they’ve stuck with their niche market.
- It’s really easy to reach out to strangers. You don’t have to friend them to connect with them.
- I love seeing my numbers grow, it’s very satisfying for reasons I don’t want to examine too closely.
- It’s a great resource for publishing links to my free content and for discovering other people’s free content. Did I mention how much I love free unregulated content? Health information can be very political because healthcare is a business. Even universities get industry or government funding, which can lead to biased studies and interests.
I thought I would share with you how I grew my following. Hopefully, this will help you with your own twitter user experience. So how did I grow my following?
- I followed people with similar interests who were following around the same or more people than they had followers. These are the people who will likely follow you back. Become one of them, after all, you have to give love to get love…on social media.
- Then, I looked through their followers and I followed their followers who had similar interests or who I think might be interested in my content. Hopefully, that wasn’t too confusing.
- So my numbers don’t get too far apart, I regularly unfollow people with Tweepdash. Harsh, but we are ideally looking for a mutual following relationships. Which is what Tweepdash calls friendship, not a celebrity relationship. We are essentially looking for peers with similar interests. Not that I wouldn’t mind a friendship with a celebrity…it could happen.
I hope this is helpful for you. If it is, please give me some social love @healandeat! Thanks again for the support!