1. Anxiety and panic attacks
Magnesium helps regulate the adrenal hormones
2. Asthma
Histamine production and bronchial spasm increase with magnesium deficiency
3. Blood Clots
Magnesium helps prevent clots by keeping blood thin
4. Bowel Disease
Magnesium deficiency slows down the bowl, causing constipation
5. Cystitis
Bladder spasms worsen with a magnesium deficiency
6. Depression
Serotonin is dependent on magnesium
7. Detoxification
Helps remove toxic substances such as heavy metals
8. Diabetes
Without magnesium, insulin is unable to transfer glucose into cells.
9. Fatigue
Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzyme-driven biochemical reactions occurring in the body
10. Heart Disease
Like any other muscle, the heart requires magnesium
11. Hypertension
Without enough magnesium, blood vessels may spasm and bad cholesterol may rise
12. Hypoglycemia
Magnesium helps regulate insulin, without it, low blood sugar can be a problem
13. Insomnia
Magnesium is involved in the production of melatonin
14. Kidney Disease
Magnesium deficiency contributes to atherosclerotic kidney failure
15. Migraine
Serotonin balance is magnesium dependent, without it you may get headaches
16. Musculoskeletal Conditions
Fribrositis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, eye twitches, cramps, chronic neck and back pain may be caused by a magnesium deficiency
17. Nerve Problems
Magnesium helps treat peripheral nerve disturbances and the central nervous system
18. Obstetrical and Gynecological Problems
Helps prevents PMS and crampings, help infertility, alleviates premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia during pregnancy and reduces hypertension in delivering mothers
19. Osteoporosis
Use with calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K to ensure proper absorption and utilization of supplements
20. Raynaud’s Syndrome
Helps relax spastic blood vessels
21. Tooth Decay
A deficiency causes unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva
The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. 
What is Magnesium? How it Functions in the Body