Raw Flax Flatbread and Sliced Cinnamon Apples


Finding healthy snack food, and dessert alternatives can be difficult. I think the hardest part of trying to eat healthy is reducing sugar. I’ve been on lots of different types of elimination diets, and nothing has been more difficult to eliminate than sugar. Even cooked food, was easier to get rid of then sugar! Speaking of raw food, this recipe for raw flax flatbread was something I ate regularly. When I was raw, then later vegan, I made this flatbread from cold-milled organic flax from the supplement aisle to get omega 3 fatty acids. Each flatbread is three tablespoons of flax so you can easily make a daily portion.

I used to eat these with raw hummus from the Santa Monica Co-op, which they made in house. Their hummus has completely ruined me for any other kind, everything else just tastes stale. I highly recommend it. You can also eat this with creamed honey which is what I plan on doing for dessert. I have a delicious local creamed wildflower honey by Pacifica that I adore. Before my dieting days, I used to eat toast with creamed honey for breakfast. FYI, creamed honey doesn’t involve dairy or cream, but it is thicker and more opaque then regular honey and can be used as a healthy spread alternative. These also go great with pesto or to use for sandwiches. Liver pate is another nutrient dense food, and would be excellent to spread on this flatbread.

Since the dehydrator was running, I thought I would make myself another healthy snack food. These sliced cinnamon apples are made from fuji apples and sprinkled with saigon cinnamon. I used a mandolin to cut very thin slices and they came out delicious. They are very light and durable, so they make a great snack for hiking, taking to the beach, or thrown in a purse.

Raw Flax Flatbread
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1
  • 3 tbsp of cold milled ground flax
  • 2 tbsp of water
  • a pinch of sea salt and pepper
  • sesame seeds to sprinkle on top
  1. Mix sea salt, flax, and pepper.
  2. Add water to form a paste, increase water as needed.
  3. Spread mixture on washable sheet for dehydrator, or parchment paper.
  4. Sprinkle sesame seeds and sea salt on top. Lightly pat them down.
  5. Dehydrator for a couple hours, then flip.
  6. Dehydrate till desired dryness, about a couple hours minimum.

Sliced Cinnamon Apples
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
  • 1 apple (fuji)
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon (saigon)
  1. I didn't have an apple core or I sliced out a ring around the core, a couple inches deep.
  2. Then I sliced the apple on a mandolin, and punched out the circle I made around the apple core.
  3. Place apple slices directly on mesh, then sprinkle with cinnamon. You might want to line underneath with paper towels so the cinnamon doesn't sprinkle on your counter.
  4. Dehydrate for 4-6 hours or until desired dryness.

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